Congratulations to Laurène MAZEYRIE, new CARe PhD graduate!

On July 15th, 2024, Laurène Mazeyrie defended her thesis on “Study of inflammation and senescence involved in muscle fragility associated with Noonan Syndrome”, under the direction of Dr. Armelle Yart and Dr. Thomas Edouard from RESTORE Lab.

We warmly congratulate her and wish her all the very best in her future endeavours.

Congratulations to Chloé BRODEAU, new CARe PhD graduate!

On July 12th, 2024, Chloé Brodeau defended her thesis on “Human skin fibroblasts as indicators of physiological age and fragility”, under the direction of Dr. Louis Casteilla and Dr. Isabelle Ader from RESTORE Lab.

We warmly congratulate her and wish her all the very best in her future endeavours.

Congratulations to Clémence BOLUT, new CARe PhD graduate!

On July 9th, 2024, Clémence Bolut defended her thesis on “Machine learning on a small number of images: the example of regenerative medicine for early prediction of the outcome of tissue repair”, under the direction of Dr. Louis Casteilla from RESTORE Lab and Dr. David Simoncini, from the Toulouse Research Institute in Informatics (IRIT).

We warmly congratulate her and wish her all the very best in her future endeavours.

PhD offer at the Toulouse Institute of Pharmacology and Structure Biology

The Ph.D. student will be enrolled in the CARe program.

Deadline for application:  April 20th 2024

Starting date: September/October 2024

Working Place

The IPBS (Institute of Pharmacology and Structure Biology) is a joint research unit of the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), and the University of Toulouse. IPBS is located in Toulouse, a vibrant city in the south of France. The IPBS provides an ambiance that fosters equality, diversity, and inclusivity, and hosts about 250 scientific and administrative staff, including Ph.D. students and post-doctoral fellows of multiple nationalities. IPBS comprises 18 research teams, and the work carried out at the institute is dedicated to the discovery of new therapeutic targets in the fields of cancer, infectious diseases, and inflammatory diseases: The selected Ph.D. candidate will submit his/her application to the CARe Ph.D. 2024 open call with the research team “Epigenetic Mechanisms in Cancer,” led by Priyanka Sharma at the IPBS, Toulouse. The candidate will be getting the promising opportunity to work on a multidisciplinary project on cancer and transcription biology in cancer using the advantage of genomics and biophysics techniques. 

Technical methods

  • Single-cell RNA transcriptomics.
  • Live cell imaging and machine learning tools for analysis.
  • Biophysical characterization of transcriptional condensates.
  • Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays.

Expected Profile

Highly motivated and dynamic Ph.D. candidate with great communication skills and a strong interest in unraveling epigenetic mechanisms using multidisciplinary approaches.

Interested candidates, please contact at for further information. 

Launch of CARe’s 2024 call for proposals 2nd phase

The pre-selected projects in the framework of CARe’s 2024 call for PhD proposals are available on this link.

PhD candidates for the pre-selected projects will submit the full proposal to Claire Mendoza ( and Clemence Grosnit ( using this template.

At this step, PhD candidates must be identified and are asked to send a complete CV. In addition, it is mandatory to provide a full description of the 3-6 months internship, including a signed attestation from the hosting foreign university or from industry.

The files must be submitted as a single PDF before May 10th, 2024. Applicants will defend their proposal on June 4th, 2024, in front of a jury representative of the CARe Graduate School, with delegates from Toulouse partner doctoral schools.

The audition will consist of 12 minutes of presentation and 15 minutes of questions. The presentation and the answers to questions have to be done in English.

The presentation must include, in this order, 1 title slide, 1 slide presenting the candidate, one slide presenting a previous research experience. The rest of the slides are dedicated to the presentation of the project (scientific justification of the research project, strategy, methodology, feasibility and risk management), including a description of the internship abroad or in industry. The following criteria will be evaluated by the jury: discussion of a previous research experience, quality of the oral presentation and of the response to questions.

Several detailed PhD subject pre-proposals and offers are published below. 

Our 2024 call for PhD proposals is open

2024 Call for PhD proposals


The CARe Graduate School’s PhD program is devoted to the training of students in multidisciplinary research topics, from basic science to clinical or pharmacological applications, with a focus on cancer, ageing and/or rejuvenation. PhD research projects are directed by CARe-associated research teams from academic laboratories or partner companies. The EUR CARe PhD program selection will have two phases:

Phase 1: PhD pre-proposals will be submitted to Claire Mendoza ( and Clemence Grosnit ( using this template, before evaluation and selection by the CARe Scientific Committee. Deadline for application is March 1st, 2024.

The applications must fall in the field of cancer, aging and/or rejuvenation. In addition, multidisciplinary is highly recommended and proposals must be at the interface of biology and mathematics, computer science, chemistry or physics. Examples are: mathematicians addressing complex biological questions by developing new molecules, tools, technologies or models, possibly doing some bench work, or biologists trained in mathematics, physics, computer sciences, advanced bioinformatics to develop new strategies that would be later questioned/validated in experimental biological settings…

Partnerships between teams from different doctoral schools, and/or foreign universities or industry are strongly encouraged (see scoring below). A short internship abroad (3 to 6-month) is mandatory, the nature of which should be briefly mentioned at this step. The travel and accommodation will be funded by the CARe program.

The scoring system (out of 10) is the following: 

  • Scientific quality of the proposal (5 points)
  • Co-supervision & interdisciplinarity (options 1 to 3 are not cumulative)
    1. If the project involves co-supervision by two teams working on different themes, each affiliated to a distinct disciplinary doctoral school : 2 points (lowest score)
    2. Or if the project includes co-supervision with an industry partner or a foreign university : 3 points (middle score)
    3. Or if the project involves co-supervision with an industry partner or a foreign university, spanning two interdisciplinary fields : 5 points (highest score).

NB: the candidates should not be formally identified at this step.

Upon acceptance, the proposers will be informed on March 11th, 2024, and the proposals will be posted online on CARe’s website and social networks.

Phase 2: PhD candidates for the pre-selected projects will submit the full proposal to Claire Mendoza ( and Clemence Grosnit ( using the template that will be made available on CARe’s website.

At this step, PhD candidate must be identified and are asked to send a complete CV. In addition, it is mandatory to provide a full description of the 3-6 months internship, including a signed attestation from the hosting foreign university or from industry.

The files must be submitted as a single PDF before May 10th, 2024. Applicants will defend their proposal in early June 2024, in front of a jury representative of the CARe Graduate School, with delegates from Toulouse partner doctoral schools.

The audition will consist of 12 minutes of presentation and 15 minutes of questions. The presentation and the answers to questions have to be done in English.

The presentation must include, in this order, 1 title slide, 1 slide presenting the candidate, one slide presenting a previous research experience. The rest of the slides are dedicated to the presentation of the project (scientific justification of the research project, strategy, methodology, feasibility and risk management), including a description of the internship abroad or in industry. The following criteria will be evaluated by the jury: discussion of a previous research experience, quality of the oral presentation and of the response to questions.

Congratulations to Julien Novarino, new CARe PhD graduate!

On April 27th, 2023, Julien Novarino defended his thesis on « Follicular helper T cells and regulatory T cells, a surprising partnership in the humoral response », under the direction of Dr. Meryem Aloulou and Dr. Nicolas Fazilleau, from the Toulouse Institute for Infectious and Inflammatory Diseases (Infinity).

We warmly congratulate him and wish him all the very best in his future endeavours.

PhD offer at the Toulouse Institute of Pharmacology and Structure Biology

The Ph.D. student will be enrolled in the CARe program.

Deadline for application: April 25th 2023

Starting date: September/October 2023

Working Place

The IPBS (Institute of Pharmacology and Structure Biology) is a joint research unit of the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), and the University of Toulouse. IPBS is located in Toulouse, a vibrant city in the south of France. The IPBS hosts about 250 scientific and administrative staff, including Ph.D. students and post-doctoral fellows of multiple nationalities. IPBS comprises 18 research teams, and the work carried out at the institute is dedicated to the discovery of new therapeutic targets in the fields of cancer, infectious diseases, and inflammatory diseases ( The selected Ph.D. candidate will work in the research team “Epigenetic Mechanisms in Cancer,” led by Priyanka Sharma at the IPBS, Toulouse. The candidate will be supported by a short training in the laboratory of molecular biophysics directed by X. Salvatella at the Biomedical Research Institute (IRB), Barcelona, Spain.

Technical methods

  • Single-cell RNA transcriptomics.
  • Live cell imaging and machine learning tools for analysis.
  • Biophysical characterization of transcriptional condensates.
  • Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays.

Expected Profile

Highly motivated and dynamic Ph.D. candidate with great communication skills and a strong interest in unraveling epigenetic mechanisms using multidisciplinary approaches.

Interested candidates, please contact at for further information.