On Monday, June 26th, the University of Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier nominated Professor Tatiana Vidaurre Rojas, from the Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University (UPCH), as Doctor Honoris Causa.
Created in 1918, this title is one of the most prestigious distinctions awarded by French universities to honor « personalities of foreign nationality for eminent services rendered to science, literature or the arts, to France or to the University ».

Five leading scientists received the diplomas and insignia handed over by Professor Jean-Marc Broto, President of the University of Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier: M. Robert F. Anderson, Professor of Oceanographic Chemistry and Marine Biogeochemistry, Ewing-Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University (USA); Ms. Ruth Durrer, Professor of Theoretical Physics, Department of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Geneva (Switzerland); Ms. Sandra Einloft, Dean of the Polytechnique School, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil); Ms. Isabelle Adolé Glitho, Honorary Dean of the Faculty of Science, Professor of Entomology, University of Lomé (Togo); and Ms. Tatiana Vidaurre Rojas.
Professor Bruno Ségui, Deputy Director of the CARe Graduate School, gave Ms. Vidaurre Rojas’ laudation.
Professor Tatiana Vidaurre Rojas teaches at Peru’s Cayetano Heredia University, where she leads the Master’s program on medical oncology. Since 2022, a Memorandum of Understanding links this program with the University of Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier and the CARe Graduate School.
Professor Tatiana Vidaurre Rojas holds a Master’s degree in Public Health and is a medical oncologist at the Peru’s National Cancer Institute (INEN), where she has played a key role in the fight against cancer in Peru and Latin America. As institutional head of INEN between 2012 and 2016, she designed and implemented the « Plan Esperanza », a pioneering plan of cancer prevention and control in Peru, which that has served as a benchmark for other developing countries. She also founded the « Club de la Mama », Peru’s leading association supporting patients and their families in their fight against womens’ cancers. She is currently President of the Peruvian Cancer Society, and as such, in 2021, she initiated the anti-cancer law enacted by the Peruvian Congress.
Professor Tatiana Vidaurre Rojas is the author of over 50 research articles in leading international journals. She leads several cancer research programs, notably concerning breast cancer in women from native Andean communities.