Interview of the CARe Graduate School, Philippe Valet by SANAO (association representing healthcare companies in Occitania)

Translation of the video:

What is the goal of the CARe doctoral school ?

Nowadays, Biology or research in Biology or bio-medicine research can no longer be achieved by  biologists only. It’s over. That was the case when i first start to do research.

Now, we need informaticians obviously. We also need mathematicians, , physicians, chemists… At the University where I used to be Director of Masters or Director of the PhD School for a long time, tracks are quite fixed. That is to say : when you study immunology, you do immunology, when you study cancerology, you do cancerology, I used to study Pharmacology, I do pharmacology and nothing else.

I think this is over now, it cannot work that way anymore. Tracks must be mixed, merged and have to overlap. The idea of CARe is simple : gathering  everybody no matter if they are researchers, as we are here in the lab « the laboratory rats », or clinician, or engineers, -lots of engineers are applying to the Care program by the way- or private companies and make everybody work together.

The CARe PhD School is a graduate school, could you explain us what it is ?

The Graduate School starts from the Master to the PhD. It is a five-year educational program that includes first year of Master, second year and PhD program.

Is it possible to go abroad ?

So during the first semester of Master 1, students stay here (in Toulouse) but they are free to go abroad as soon as the second semester. One of the main principle of CARe is to spend some internship time abroad. For a minimum of 3month to a maximum of 6 months funded by CARe-GS. If they want to stay longer, their host laboratory have to take care of the extra-funding.

How are the lessons schedulded ?

During the second year of Master, teachings are planned on the afternoons, and in English obviously. They are done in visioconference. We have  a fully-connected room. A very interactive room, not just a visio link on a computer.

During the first year of Master, they have lessons on Monday, Tuesday until Wednesday noon –even if their schedule is not always full- but that is a maximum. The rest of the week they are in the labs, all year long. They are not disconnected from the labs and that is great.

What is the difference with a classic training program ?

The difference with a classic training program is that for example, Master 1 students are doing 2-months internships, Master 2 students are doing 4-monhs internships or something like that. At the CARE GS, students are doing their internship since day 1, all year long.

At the end of their training program, which diplomas do the PhD students get ?

They get a double-diploma : one from the University toulouse III- Paul Sabatier, one from the other university, from Gottingen etc. So they graduate with a PhD double diploma more a diploma supplement that is given by the CARe Graduate School, soi t is valuable on their resumes.

How many students do you have by classes ?

They are 15. Half of them are international students, CARe is funding their travel and accomodation.

Do you have any advices for high schools students ?

No matter what you are keen on, just do things you like. If it is biology, study biology, if it is mathematics, do mathematics, do something you love.